Modified version of newstwitter Contao extension

(comments: 1)

I've just finished my own updated version of NewsTwitter extension for Contao.

  1. Generate correct backlink to news item under multi-domain environment
  2. Supoprt use of different Twitter account for each news archive

Now I think I could update to Contao version 2.11.0.  In other word, since above change 1. use Contao 2.11 specific function, I can't use this updated NewsTwitter before update to Contao 2.11.0.

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Comment by Dennis |

Hi thanks a lot for a perceptive post, I actually found your blog by mistake while looking on Goole for something else closely related, anyhow before i ramble on too much i would just like to state how much I enjoyed your post, I have bookmarked your site and also taken your RSS feed, Once Again thanks for the blog post keep up the good work. %))

Reply by T. Kambe

Time has past.  Twitter breaks everything for now.  :-(

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